On November 3, aggressive targets were established for returning redeployed health care staff to their home positions by the end of November. As of November 12, 50 per cent of eligible Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) staff who were redeployed to address the COVID-19 case surge have returned to their home positions. One hundred and twenty-nine of the 374 services slowed since September 1, 2021 have been fully resumed and 51 services have been partially resumed.
It remains the SHA’s target to have 75 per cent of eligible, redeployed staff returned to their home positions by November 19. A progress report on these targets and the associated service resumptions by Saskatchewan Health Authority service area is now available.
Adjustment to COVID-19 Cases
While there were 85 new, confirmed COVID-19 cases reported Tuesday, November 16, the provincial COVID-19 dashboard will note that 69 previously reported cases have been removed. These had been reported as confirmed cases in error.
On November 15, it was determined that a number of positive PanBio (Antigen) test results downloaded into the provincial COVID database were automatically reported as ‘confirmed positive’. Upon further investigation, the majority of these cases had a PCR result that was negative. The date of collection for these specimens range from June 27 to October 12, 2021.
Public Health Orders Will Be Enforced
The week of November 8, Saskatchewan Health Authority public health inspectors issued a number of fines:
Note that under The Health Information and Privacy Act, the Ministry of Health cannot disclose the names of individuals who have received fines.
COVID-19 Summary for November 16, 2021:
Daily provincial COVID-19 statistics by age, date and geographic zones including active cases, recoveries, confirmed variants of concern and vaccination information can be found at www.saskatchewan.ca/covid19-cases.
Stick it to COVID – Get Your Vaccination
The Saskatchewan Health Authority is holding vaccination clinics throughout the province. Clinic locations and times are listed on the SHA website. Any changes to clinic hours and location will be updated online.
A map of pharmacies participating in COVID-19 vaccinations is available at www.saskatchewan.ca/covid19-pharmacies.
COVID-19 vaccinations are also available at most SHA operated flu shot clinics, so residents can receive both flu and COVID-19 vaccinations at the same time and location. The COVID-19 vaccinations can be booked using the same online flu shot appointment tool (www.4flu.ca) or by telephone at 1-833-SASKVAX (1-833-727-5829). If you need both a COVID and flu shot, only one appointment is needed. Health staff are trained to offer both vaccines to those eligible.
General COVID-19 Information
General public inquiries may be directed to COVID19@health.gov.sk.ca.