Province Introduces Global Transportation Hub Legislation


A bill introduced in the legislature in the Fall 2012 session will move the control of the development and operations of the Global Transportation Hub (GTH) from municipal to provincial jurisdiction to further ensure the business success of GTH clients.

The Global Transportation Hub Authority Act establishes the GTH as a Statutory Corporation; as an Agency of the Crown. It streamlines governance and formalizes responsibilities and ownership of infrastructure assets within the GTH footprint.

“Positioning the GTH as a more effective authority will further contribute to the level of success the GTH has achieved to date,” Minister responsible for the GTH Bill Boyd said. “The new legislation will help transition the GTH into a full inland port operation to grow Saskatchewan’s warehousing, transportation and logistics sectors in accordance with the Saskatchewan Plan for Growth.”

To meet the specific needs of its clients and further its vision as a world-class facility, the GTH will become responsible for its own land use planning and development regulations, governance structure, subdivision approvals and building permits.